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ESG performance

The built environment has always had a clear social purpose running through it.

This is the third year in a row in which we have published our ESG report, an accounting of the progress we made towards meeting our targets around environmental performance, social value and governance. As we look back at our performance in 2022, we are proud of how far we have come.

Our 2026 Business Strategy and ESG Strategy are intrinsically linked. Both are built around our purpose, ‘to redefine the boundaries of ambition’ and are shaped by our business priorities.

And in 2022, Mace made a number of significant strides towards our 2026 Business Strategy targets: reducing carbon emissions by 7% (reflecting a cumulative reduction of 57% since 2019), contributing £682.4m of value to society (an increase of 27% on 2021) and investing 3% (£57m) of its revenue in research and development.

The Group had the safest year in its history, reporting a 0.03 accident frequency rate across the business, beating its 2026 target of 0.04, a lost time incident frequency rate of 0.12 (2021: 0.20) and 94% of Mace’s construction projects did not have a reportable RIDDOR incident. Mace also achieved its 2026 target of identifying more than a million tonnes of carbon savings within client projects four years early and has expanded the target to identifying 10 million tonnes by 2026.  

The impact captured in this report is due to the collective effort of Mace people, working in partnership with our clients and suppliers – and the ambition driving us towards further success is a shared belief that our industry can help to build a better future.

ESG Report 2022

Read our latest ESG Report.

ESG Report 2022