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Mace secures pipeline to save more than 1m tonnes of client carbon by 2026

Mace has today (1 December) announced that it has secured a pipeline of work that will see it surpass its 2026 target of saving 1m tonnes of client associated carbon emissions through global projects. 

The target, which was first announced in January 2020, as part of the company’s 2026 Business Strategy, includes commissioned projects with over 125 clients across the globe. 

The company has been a carbon neutral business since 2020, supported by Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) programmes, and has further aspirations to reduce its corporate carbon footprint by 10% year on year and to create 500ha of biodiversity net gain by 2026. 

Mace has published the details of its journey to 1m tonnes in its annual Steps Without Footprints report, giving insight into some of the actions such as PV installation programmes, portfolio wide HVAC retrofit and corporate policy development, as well as case studies and a live progress tracker for transparency. 

The report outlines the need for the entire sector to share learnings to accelerate climate action efforts and move the industry forward. 

Mark Holmes, Deputy Chairman at Mace, said: 

“We are resolute in our pursuit of a sustainable world as Mace aspires to become a leading global contributor to reducing carbon in the built environment. 

“Securing the pipeline for our 2026 target, at this stage of our business strategy, is down to the industry-leading expertise of our responsible business division and the commitment from everyone at Mace to drive our agenda that looks beyond our own carbon emissions and supports clients around the world. 

“It also demonstrates the scope of opportunity that businesses like Mace have on driving real change through the industry and the increasing demand for sustainability expertise.

“Our new report, Steps Without Footprints, further reinforces that the fight against climate change is a global one and the sector needs to collaborate closer to make truly meaningful change. We will continue to share our targets and learnings every step of the way in the hope that we can quickly realise a more sustainable world.”

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