City living
How modern methods of construction can help Britain build the homes it needs
Key takeaways
Modern Methods of Construction (MCC) can help Britain build energy-efficient homes quickly
MMC techniques include off-site manufacturing and advanced digital design, requiring a skilled workforce
Embracing MMC can position the UK as a global leader in construction and engineering
The dramatic rise in city living presents Britain with a unique opportunity to build on its historic legacy as a global leader in construction and engineering projects and develop a £40bn export market.
So called Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), which include off-site manufacturing and advanced digital design, have been identified by the Government as a way to produce well-designed, energy efficient homes at pace with a leaner and high-skilled workforce.
The latest research from Mace highlights how a global urban renaissance will lead to increasing demand for high rise living. By embracing MMC techniques developed in Britain, homes, offices and schools across the world could be built more quickly and more safely.
How can we ensure that the UK is ready to take advantage of MMC? What's next for the future of our construction sector? Download our latest Insights report to find out.
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